BLADE LIFTER solutions
The blade lifter is able to process cylindrical/elliptical parts with particular attention to ensuring that they do not get damaged or spoilt. The structure allows work to be performed at different heights on the basis of the number of blades.

Although the mechanical orientator places great pressure on the item being processed, over the years Sarg has accumulated great experience in ensuring high processing speeds of delicate items used in the cosmetics industry. It is recommended for most high speed components as our solutions are geared to the cosmetics industry.

Recommended for low/medium production speeds, the vibrator ensures a high-performance and compact solution for the cosmetics industry. Our systems can be customized to process most items used in the cosmetics industry whilst ensuring that they are protected from damage.

Although the mechanical orientator places great pressure on the item being processed, over the years Sarg has accumulated great experience in ensuring high processing speeds of delicate items used in the cosmetics industry. It is recommended for most high speed components as our solutions are geared to the cosmetics industry.